Public records search refers to all the data publicly available and declassified by the Law on personal data protection.

Public records search includes, but not limited to, public registers, archives, media, social networks research and other publicly available information and its analysis.

Data from public records that we collect include data and information managed and recorded by businesses and government agencies, and although it may seem that anyone can access them, the procedure in practice proves differently.

Why we are different from others claiming to offer public record search/information available to everyone? Because accessibility doesn’t mean they are easy to find and not so many of our competitors are knowledgeable in legal requirements for their request and distribution, justification for the request and legal basis for data collection, storage, and processing.

Additional reason that distinguishes us from others it the fact that raw data copied to the report is not always sufficient. That is why, our experienced analysts review, filter, select, and explain, otherwise puzzling, sometimes contradicting information found in the records.

Public record search is one of the key steps in pre-employment screening and due diligence.